Presentation of BHP

I have started printing an A4 portfolio for the British Heritage Project - darkroom prints where possible. This is separate to that of my main portfolio and will hold perhaps 5 images from each series. This potentially will be the presentation of what I hand in for the final project of the MA.  However today whilst teaching about photography books and their styles to my students I came across Blurb now offering magazine options, affordable, quick production times, user friendly. One of the commercial productions I have considered for the project would be a series of books in a box set, why not as a series of zines? Each issue is another chapter of the BHP, in a uniform format of presentation tying together the different filmstock and formats. 

There is other topics that have come up that link to the BHP and I have access, these will be shot but are something slightly removed eg. Bell ringers. This is relevant to BHP but closer to what was recorded by Homer Sykes or Benjamin Stone, these could come together in a zine, special to the topics that differ, or perhaps the follow up to the BHP. 

The format for the BHP zinebook that comes to mind is:

  • cover
  • inside cover image
  • BHP main synopsis
  • Chapter Synopsis
  • photographs and captions
  • link to the video element including QR code
  • introduce the following issue

I will experiment with layouts and do a test print.  
