Collaboration: FInally Underway, update of Rethink

I've spoken this morning to a folk musician I know in Newcastle regarding BHP, when we discussed it a few weeks ago he was interested in being involved in the project, this morning I sent him lyrcs and sheet music to a folk song collected in 1906 by Cecil Sharp down in Somerset entitled The Stone Cutter's Boy.  He aims to have a recording done and sent back to me sometime in the coming week! He is also going to leave room for me to add some mandolin on top, and I am very much looking frward to seeing what he comes up with.  The music is to go alongside #5 of BHP: The Stonemason who I photographed a couple of weeks ago in Gloustershiure close to the Welsh boarder.  Cathrine was a real find as she explained herself it is very unusual to find female stonemasons but they are slowly coming more common.

The shoot went well with alot packed into a couple of hours: Leica with 50mm, Bessa with a 35mm and 3 rolls of Sunny 16 film.  I have not started editing the video yet due to finishing a commission first. 

Other musical input coming in from: Vaughan Bloomfield, a fiddle player I have worked with for a few years now, he will be playing The Farrier's Song, collected in 1890 to accompany BHP#2, and I have suggested to the band both Vaughan and I are in to do an arrangement of a drinking song that is also in the archives of the EFDSS housed at Cecil Sharp House to accompany BHP#4 The Brewer.

I will be taking a tune to do myself as well, perhaps for the silversmith...

Rethink: Successful stereoviews of fishing on the grand union - just need to scan, and in a couple of weeks there is a marathon being run along the canal path, I have contacted CRT about documenting it.  I have also contacted some boat owners I know about letting me join them for a few locks one weekend.