I've been considering my technical approach recently, for years I have been primarily a medium format photographer, the Mamiya RZ67 being my camera of choice on location for almost every project I have done in the last 10 years. But now, with the direction of the BHP I look at the practicalities of using a high quality medium format camera for fast shooting reportage. The quality is beyond stunning, it truly is, but the biggest issue is the need to reload every 10 frames, add to this the extensive bulk and weight and it is feeling less inspiring to use for this work.
Instead I feel that for now at least all of the BHP will be shot 35mm, both #1 and #2 are shot 35mm, a mix of Nikon SLR and Voigtlander Bessa Rangefinder. Thisi think will be my main practice.
Gene was not worried about equipment, recorded on whatever medium came to hand, mixing 6x7 with 6x9, 6x4.5 35mm and 35mm half frame. A camera is a camera. I can't do this as it feels wrong tl
mix formats through a project but like Gene I see the freedom of 35mm and his much loved half frame cameras like I haven't before. For now Nikon, Voigtlander and the Olympus Pen FT SLR and Pen EE compact are going To be my tools of choice.
35mm camera collection (inc Nikon D300s and D610 in bottom left)